Full Tank,增加载具的冲刺距离
Speed Boost,增加载具的移动速度
Missile Defense,减释放少干扰弹的冷却时间
Big Stick,增加载具的攻击威力
Monkey Wrench,缓慢回复载具血量
Ejection Seat,载具挂掉时玩家可从载具里弹射出来
Faster Reload,减少载具的装弹速度和武器过热后的冷却时间
Drone Be Gone! (1 Point)
Tactical Reload (1 Point)
Quickdraw (1 Point)
Thick Skin (2 Points)
Now That's a Knife (2 Points)
Straight From The Hip (3 Points)
Fist Full (3 Points)
Penny Pincher (2 Point)
My Buddy (1 Point)
Grizzled (3 Points)
Grave Robber (2 Points)
Ghost (1 Point)
Steady Aim (2 Points)
Boomer (3 Points)
Crater-to-Order (1 Point)
Utility Belt (2 Points)
Blastwave (2 Points)
Quick Healer (2 Points)
Situational Awarness (1 Point)
EMP Tactician (2 Points)
Short Fuse (1 Point)
Ice Cold (3 Points)
Full Tank (1 Point)
Gyro (1 Point)
Speed Boost (1 Point)
Faster Reload (2 Points)
Coated (2 Points)
Missile Defense (2 Points)
Big Stick (3 Points)
Ejection Seat (3 Points)
Monkey Wrench (3 Points)
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